Dear Family and Friends,
This week was awesome to say the least. This Tuesday we had the great opportunity to go to the Temple. It was a great time and afterwards we went with the Elders in the Zone to a sweet mountain and a cool Buddhist temple. It was a pretty great Preparation day. The next day, on Wednesday, we started an exchange with one of the Elders in Imun, named Elder Wyckoff. He came to Korea at the same time as I did, and he has changed a lot. It was a really enjoyable exchange. We taught a new investigator at the church and visited this one guy's shop. After teaching the guy in the shop, we gathered the other two people in the store and said a prayer together. It was pretty epic.
Thursday was a great learning experience because we had a skills workshop at the church next to President's house. All the missionaries in our stake and 10 members from the various wards came and we did role plays together for a couple of hours. We mainly practiced inviting investigators to church and to get baptized.
This week we had the opportunity to meet with two less-active members of our congregation. One of them is my same age, and he's making a living by teaching kids how to create music using computer programs. He's also released a few tracks. His plan is to become a famous DJ in America. His mom is Bolivian, so he also speaks fluent Spanish and pretty good English. We met him at the church and showed him the restoration video which went well. He committed to be more diligent in his scripture study which should really help him. There's just a special spirit about the Joseph Smith story that blows my mind. For some reason, I never get tired of sharing it.
On Saturday, we had a ward barbecue in the backyard of the church. We all ate so much meat and two of our investigators came. Luckily, our bishop is a grill master, so it was pretty darn delicious. The real miracle came the next day during church, though. One of the referrals we received from a member in our Stake came to church and loved it. He's about 76 years old and is so prepared. We met him with one of the old area seventies that is currently in our ward, and we had a great lesson. We set a baptismal date for the 30th of April. Since it was fast Sunday, I also had the chance to bear my testimony during church which went well. It stills amazes me how far I've come in my language skills; truly a blessing from God.
Thanks so much for all the love and support!
Your Favorite Missionary,
Elder Wheeler
Elder Ashby "arm wrestling proselyting!" |
Elders Ryu, Green, Seely, Ridge, Judd
and Day holding Elder Wheeler
Elder Green, Elder Wheeler and Elder Ridge |
Elder Wheeler, Elder Green and Elder Ridge |
Elder Wheeler, Elder Green and Elder Ridge |
Elder Wheeler photo bombing Elder Green and Elder Ridge's selfie |
Elder Ridge, Elder Ashby, Elder Green and Elder Wheeler |
Elders Wyckoff, Skinner, Seely, Judd, Ashby, Green, Ridge and Wheeler |
Elder Ashby is on top of the world! |
Buddhist Temple |
Elder Ashby at his desk |
Elder Wheeler and Elder Green in front of the cherry blossoms |
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