Dear Family and Friends,
This week I got a transfer call to the beloved area of Dongdaemun! After living here in the Nokbeon ward for over 7 months, it is time to leave. I want to say that the time has flown by, but since every missionary says that, I'll resist. Nokbeon ward has just been way too much fun, and I have made so many friends in my time here. It was hard to say goodbye on Sunday, especially to so many ward members that I have spent so much time with. Dongdaemun is also in a different stake and is the oldest building in the mission. Plus the missionary house is in the church parking lot!
This week was pretty busy and we had lots of cool success, but for some reason it was just super cold. We got to meet with our 25 year-old investigator, Tae-Geun who also came to church. We met with one of the members and the lesson didn't go super well. He was a little argumentative, causing him and the member to talk most of the time. On the bright side he did come to church. He's okay with getting baptized which is awesome, but it might take some time before he's ready. Because I'm leaving, they are combining Elder Coleman's and our area into one. So Elder Collins and Elder Coleman will do a good job with them. We also went back to the Pool House where we found that sweet potential investigator, and he is doing really well. We talked a ton about the restoration and he had some really good questions. He is now officially our new investigator. He opened up the Book of Mormon and was like, "These sound exactly like Paul's words" "Even if this was found on gold plates, these words would be amazing." Moral of the story: The Book of Mormon is awesome.
Speaking of the Book of Mormon, Elder Collins and I have been reading the Book of Mormon together daily, and I have been focusing a lot on it personally again, highlighting all the references to God, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Ghost. It's so interesting to learn the role that they play and how much Christ has done. What's even more fun is that Elder Collins and I are reading it backwards by chapter. Never done that before, but its pretty sweet. I know that book is true.
Things we also did this week include meeting with our recent convert and helping him get ready for temple proxy baptisms. He should be ready to go next week. Too bad I'm transferring and I'll miss the opportunity! But I'm excited to be with my new Korean companion. I'll definitely have the opportunity to speak Korean more often and hopefully I'll be able to forget English by the time I go home.
Thanks for all the love and support,
Elder Wheeler
Nokbeon District before transfers |
Elder Wheeler and Elder Collins with Tae-Geun |
Chase with the Nokbeon Ward Clerk |
Chase with the bishop of Nokbeon Ward |
Chase with the stake presidency |
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