Dear Family and Friends,
It was so nice to talk with you over Skype today, although it was only a short 40 minutes! Since we talked for a while, I just wanted to share a really cool experience that I had this week. So this Sunday, none of our investigators ended up coming to church so we joined the members in the Gospel Doctrine class for the second hour of church. One of the female members there who had been coming out to church for the past couple of weeks made quite a few comments, which led my companion to talk with her after the meeting. Well, in the end she invited us over to the hospital to give her daughter a blessing. We talked with Bishop after our monthly lunch with the entire ward and he gave us a ride to the hospital where we met her and her two daughters who seem to have been in the hospital for a while. We gave the blessing, which went well, and then she ended up telling us she had been praying for the missionaries to introduce themselves so she could request a blessing for her daughter. Her daughter, when she was first hospitalized, declined a blessing, but this time felt ready to accept one. Her daughter is actually a returned missionary, but hasn't been coming out to church lately. After our meeting together she asked us to bear our testimonies of Christ, again stating afterwards that we shared with them exactly what they needed. It amazes me still how the Spirit guides us daily to find those people who are seeking help and comfort.
This week has been really great overall. We are now teaching four new Chinese investigators which brings the total to 6 Chinese investigators. Chinese people are also awesome, but Koreans are still my favorite!
Thanks for all the support! Sorry for the short email.
Your Favorite Missionary,
Elder Wheeler
Elder Ashby carving his name into a concrete slab behind their house |
Chase's zone |
A sister missionary with Elder Ashby and Elder Wheeler |
Elder Wheeler, Elder Apigo and Elder Ashby |
Elder Wheeler and Elder Ashby with some
recent converts from one of Elder Asby's
previous areas
Skyping with Chase on Mother's Day |
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