This week was very enjoyable. We met with a few people before Elder Ashby left and then we went shopping for Souvenirs on Elder Ashby's last P-Day. We were able to have lunch on Monday with Sang-Jae who we referred to the Elders in the Seoul South Mission. He was extremely prepared and it was amazing to see how quickly he progressed in such a short span of time. He should get baptized within the next couple of weeks down there. We also met with Brother Jo and his member friend Brother Park, who referred him to us. Brother Park shared his conversion story as we ate dinner. On Tuesday we had temple day which always renews the spirit of missionary work as we spend time pondering in the Lord's house.
On Wednesday, after waiting at the bus terminal for a while, Elder Kim arrived from Sokcho. We headed back to our area and went up to Korea University to proselyte before English Class at night. Elder Green also got a new companion who is Korean. His name is Elder Kang and this is his first area. Its pretty fun having a new missionary in the house again and it reminds me a lot of my first transfer as a mission which seems like such a short time ago. This week for missionary work we taught two lessons to Chinese people. One of our Chinese investigators is named Jack and he is really curious and awesome. Communication is a little difficult, but when we asked him if he would like to go to the Celestial Kingdom he said, "Of Course!"
Sunday went especially well! We were able to give Jang-Choon the Gift of the Holy Ghost during sacrament meeting. It went well and he seemed to enjoy all 3 hours of Church. Just before church started, an American Family from Utah showed up. The Dad served here about 23 years ago. I asked if they would like me to translate for them and they accepted. Translating is always difficult since the Korean language is backwards English, so you have to wait to hear the entire sentence before you can start translating. Luckily, it went well and I was able understand pretty much all that was said. For dinner we went over to a our ward mission leader's house where they fed us so much. I still am amazed at how much food actually fit in my stomach.
Right now missionary work here in our Zone is looking really hopeful. Our Zone is having lots of great success right now. I'm so grateful to be serving at this time. Thanks for all the love and support.
Your Favorite Missionary,
Elder Wheeler
Newly baptized Jang-Choon eating dinner with Elder Ashby and Elder Wheeler |
Elder Ashby, Jang-Choon and Elder Wheeler |
Elder Ashby, Elder Yetter and Elder Wheeler at the temple
right before Elder Ashby and Elder Yetter conclude their missions
Elder ?, Elder Ashby, Elder Yetter, Elder Wheeler, Elder Ridge and Elder Green |
Chase's district before transfers |
Dinner with Brother Jo and Brother Park |
Elder Wheeler, Elder Ridge, Elder Green and Elder Ashby with a member family |
Elder Kim and Elder Wheeler with the family
that Chase translated for in Sacrament meeting
Elder Lee, Elder Green, Elder Kang and Elder Wheeler |