Dear Family and Friends,
So this week has been pretty awesome with teaching two Chinese investigators. We taught one who also came to church on Sunday and he seems really prepared. He is 32 years old and had tons of great questions when we taught him with the second counselor on Sunday. We watched the restoration video in Chinese and I felt like I was a new missionary again not understanding anything that was going on. Even though he had another appointment to go to, he took the time to ask questions because he wondered so much about what we were teaching. Its so amazing how a questioning soul really leads people to find the truth they have been seeking.
We have been having lots of success with the members this past transfer. We have received two referrals that have both turned into investigators with baptismal dates. It just goes to show that the key to missionary work has and always will be the members. The older man that got referred to us is doing really well. He is reading the Book of Mormon and praying which is the key to conversion. It's amazing how prepared an investigator can get for baptism by just keeping the small commitments like reading the Book of Mormon and praying. Brother Jo hopefully will be baptized next week.
This week we also had the opportunity to teach English class. Our English class this week reached eight people which is a huge improvement from when I was first here. Since English class leads to a lot of success with investigators, we have been working on the teaching and flyering mostly to get it rolling. After teaching English for so long, Elder Ashby and I have actually started to get pretty good at it. I'm in no way a perfect teacher of anything yet, of course. But it's so cool to see the progess of students and especially their joy when they understand a concept. Teaching the gospel is so similar. Understanding is so vital.
Sorry I couldn't get a longer email off. I had a lot written until the entire email got deleted, oh well haha.
Thanks for all the love and support!
Your favorite missionary,
Elder Wheeler