Dear Friends and Family,
It was yet another interesting week here in Sokcho. Seriously, a week doesn't go by without something exciting happening. It's just such a different place than anywhere in Seoul. One fun thing we did this week was help Brother Kim and his wife move into their house. It was a ton of fun, but pretty darn tiring. They had quite the heavy piano. It was also pretty sunny so the other Elders got sunburned, but I luckily put on sunscreen. I just couldn't get Brother Lochhead's neurosurgical warning voice out of my head (Thanks Rick!). We also took a trip to the DMZ yesterday with a member from our ward. Don't worry, I made it out of North Korea.
This week we also had the lucky break of picking up a family as investigators. We are going to do the Family English Program with him and his daughter. His daughter actually knows one of our members, so getting them to come to church is hopeful! The father is a lunch box delivery guy and his daughter is about 11 years old. His wife works and lives in another city. As for our other investigators, Do-yeong came to church and we have met with him twice this week. We are planning on visiting his parent's shop this week and seeing if we can get permission for his baptism. He is motivated to be baptized and keep the commandments.
This week I also had the privilege to go on exchanges with Elder Lanford. We went and taught Brother Jin who is continuing to progress well. He really loves meeting with us, but he just doesn't have a lot of hope for his life. We introduced the Plan of Salvation to him and we hope to give him that hope through that lesson. Elder Lanford and I also went up northward to visit a less-active member of our congregation who lived up there. Apparently he moved, but we did have the opportunity to go to a pizza place and eat with some high schoolers who loved talking to us. According to them, the most popular kids at their school are in the band, so when I told them that I used to play the saxaphone, they were all really impressed.
Thanks for all the love and support. I love having the opportunity to continue to work here in Sokcho with some great people. Brother Jeon still continues to email us and is going to meet with one of our members next week.
Your favorite missionary,
Elder Wheeler
Sokcho missionaries getting ready for service at Brother Kim's blueberry farm |
View from the car on the way to Brother Kim's |
Brother Kim's blueberry farm |
Elder Lanford and Elder Shin |
Elder Wheeler, Elder Lanford, Brother Kim, Elder Elwood and Elder Shin |
Ready to learn English? |
Brand new puppies! They belong to the family Chase and Elder Elwood just started teaching this week. |
Beach at DMZ |
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Elder Elwood, Elder Lanford, Elder Wheeler, Sister Lee and Sister Evans |
Elder Elwood, Elder Lanford and Elder Wheeler at the DMZ |
Sister Evans, Sister Lee, Elder Elwood, Elder Wheeler, Elder Shin and Elder Lanford at the DMZ |
Buddha, Elder Elwood and Elder Wheeler at the DMZ |
Elder Elwood, Sister Lee, Elder Wheeler, Sister Evans and Elder Shin at the DMZ |
Elder Lanford checking out the view from Brother Jo's house |
Brother Jo's beach house by the DMZ |
Chase in front of a sign in the area near the DMZ that said Shinchon village (which was the name of Chase's first area in Seoul). |
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