Friends and Family,
So I just wrote like an entire email but I accidentally deleted it, so here it goes again. This week has been really crazy at the MTC. I've been pretty sick this entire week, and I'm still trying to get over it. I've had headaches, sore stomachs, and a stuffy nose. My hair also grows like crazy, so I had to get a haircut. Also during these past four weeks, I've managed to crack both of my $20 watches. I was pretty disappointed both times.
I'll now give a little more information about my new companion, Elder Harvey. His mission call has been switched two times and that includes two language changes. His call was switched to Korean here in the MTC, so he was put with the group that is three weeks ahead of us. During the weeks that he was with them, he worked extremely hard to catch up to them, and just as he was making progress, he got switched down to our companionship. As one might imagine, he was not very excited about it. For the first few days, he wouldn't help us or communicate with us about his feelings. I spent a fair amount of time thinking and praying about him. On Sunday night, I was talking with him on the way back to our residence and he finally opened up to me. He told me about how he knew he was supposed to be with us. As soon as I got back to the residence, I felt a huge weight lifted off my shoulders; I was so excited. It was a great reminder to me that God truly does answer prayers.
This week I also got to host. I helped missionaries as they were dropped off by their parents. It definitely reminded me of the crazy thoughts I had when I was first dropped off. It feels like yesterday that I entered the MTC, yet it feels like forever ago. I almost can't describe it.
This week we heard from John H. Groberg, who "The Other Side of Heaven" is based on. He gave a great talk in which he reminded us how we can share our testimonies of Jesus Christ in all that we do. He also told a great story about how he made a goal to share his testimony three different times in one day. Because he did everything to meet that goal, he was blessed by the Lord with an investigator. I love the speakers here because they bring the spirit into that auditorium so well. I feel God's love here so much that I'm getting too used to it I think.
The language that I'm learning is quite the struggle. I seems like I have to look at a word a hundred times to get it to stick in my head, but it could be way harder if I didn't have the spirit with me. This week we taught over a 45 minute lesson to one of our "investigators." I have no idea how it went on for that long. I was surprised by how much I could actually say. We also had a great Teaching Resource Center lesson (a lesson with a local member of the church who speaks Korean and volunteers to come in and let us teach them) on Friday. I love TRC a ton because we are able to have an awesome discussion about this wonderful gospel.
Lastly, my classes are the highlights of my day. My teachers are really great and so different. Brother Christensen energizes us so well to work hard to do this wonderful work. On the other hand, Brother Sung tells us amazing and deep "parables" that he has learned. Both of them encourage me everyday to be better and become more like our wonderful Savior, Jesus Christ.
I have such a strong testimony of the happiness that this gospel brings. I am so thankful for the Atonement of Jesus Christ which allows me to be forgiven from the many mistakes that I make. I am also so grateful for all the prayers and support I have received. I love you all.
Your favorite Elder,
Elder Wheeler