Dear Family and Friends,
We had a pretty interesting week with quite a few activities. This past Saturday, we had a ward activity and a Zone activity that we have been planning with President and Sister Sonksen. For our ward activity, we had a lot of English class members come and two of our investigators join us. We played charades, threw water balloons, and ate some good Korean food. Everyone seemed to enjoy it. Afterwards, we traveled up to the mission home with Sang-Jae(our investigator) for hot dogs and ice-cream provided by President and Sister Sonksen. We were trying to think of an idea to get all of our investigators involved and progressing towards baptism, so we agreed to have a Family Home Evening at President's house with all of the missionaries in the zone and their investigators. We also watched a part of "Meet the Mormons" afterwards. All of the investigators loved it and Sang-Jae committed to a baptismal date afterwards.
As for Brother Jo, one of our other main investigators, we met with him during the week and then at church on Sunday. He also came to the ward party which he considerably enjoyed. He still wants to get baptized, but it might take a bit more time than expected because of some of the commandments he has to keep to prepare himself fully for baptism. We met him with a member who gave him some great advice, and then the Bishop also talked with him after church on Sunday which seemed to help. The great thing is that he is developing great friendships with all of the ward members.
This week I also broke out my mom's cookie recipe and made cookies for a couple members and the missionaries. Everyone was really surprised at how delicious they were. We went to one of the members' houses on Wednesday and dropped some off for her birthday. She was really thankful, especially for the card we wrote with it also. As for other things that happened this week, we proselyted with a piano and a violin performance provided by some talented missionaries in the mission which was enjoyable. I was also able to conduct another baptismal interview for an investigator who got baptized in Imun. Its crazy to see how many prepared people there are here in Korea and how many miracles are happening in our Zone.
Thanks for all the love and support,
Your Favorite Missionary,
Elder Wheeler
Chase with people from the nursing home where the missionaries do service |
Chase is now and expert at singing old Korean folk songs |
Playing games at the ward party |
Outdoor water balloon games at the ward party |
Sang-Jae with Elder Kim, Elder Wheeler and two other missionaries
at the mission office
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