This week was really a lot of fun. I went on exchanges with with Elder Lanford again and with Elder Demordaunt, our new Zone Leader. I really learned a lot from the way they talk with people and teach others. With Elder Lanford, all we basically did was talk with tons of people. By the end of the day, we had given out 6 copies of the Book of Mormon and gotten quite a few phone numbers.
With Elder Demordaunt in Gangneung, we talked to just as many people. I was so tired by the end of the day because he is a hard worker. Apparently, his Dad grew up in Blackfoot too, which I found funny. We also taught two lessons: one to a less-active and one to two 25 year-olds who worked at a suit store. When we talked to the less-active, he shared a lot about his conversion story and how he felt the church was true. He definitely has a strong testimony, and he committed to come to church next Sunday. During the lesson with the two 25 year olds, we explained about the restoration a little bit and gave them each a Book of Mormon. Plus, one of the kids gave me two pairs of nice black socks.
One thing that I learned from both of the exchanges was how to better support my companion, especially while talking with people on the street. I think for a while, I have mainly tried to talk to people on my own because I figured I could do it. But it is just so much more powerful when both companions testify of each other's words on the street. Plus, I always felt good when Elder Lanford or Elder Demordaunt backed me up after I testified. Companionship unity is vital.
On Saturday this week, we had the Branch Activity for the month. For the activity, we gave each team a pan of cooked sugar cookies along with frosting and decorations. The goal, of course, was to make the best sugar cookie house. The activity turned out to be a huge success, mainly because a less-active family that I called the day before ended up coming. The father ended up bringing three of his kids who each loved the activity. It was definitely a miracle in my mind. One of the members also brought a friend, which was really cool.
As for Brother Jeon, we finally saw him this week! We asked him to read Mosiah 1-5, and on Saturday, we had a really good conversation about it. He is still focused on getting baptized. I'm really excited to get to start teaching him again.